of beef with roasted pine nuts and Parmesan cheese
Soup of Hokkaido
pumpkin with roasted pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seed oil from the Steiermark
Main courses
Roasted deer
with dumplings of "Brezen", pear, cranberries and Brussels sprouts
Baked carp fillet
from the Upper Palatinate with salad of potatoes and cucumbers
Thai Curry
with rice, roasted chicken breast and vegetables
Fillet of pork
Mit Sherry-Pfefferrrahm Soße und Spätzle
Crispy lemon
fried chicken with thyme-vanilla butter on salad of potatoes and cucumbers
Braised calf cheek
with port wine sauce, finger noodles and vegetables
Dessert plate
Bavarian cream, orange sauce, lukewarm chocolate cake and raspberry sorbet (cream dessert in a glass with orange sauce and berries, cake and raspberry sorbet)
mit heisen Schattenmorellen
Letzte Aktualisierung: 17.09.2021. Es gilt die jeweils aktuelle Speisekarte im Restaurant. Änderungen vorbehalten.