The Visit Coffee & Eatery

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Goltzstrasse 39
10781 Berlin

Speisekarte von The Visit Coffee & Eatery

Zuletzt aktualisiert am 14.08.2024
Açaí Pitaya Bowl
Pitaya, banana, pineapple, coconut, topped with hempseed granola, coconut flakes, banana and agave nectar
Scrambled Eggs & Organic Salmon
served on sourdough bread, topped with rucola and creme fraiche
Einem Gaumenfreund schmeckt dieses Gericht
Fruit Salad With Yuzu Vanilla Syrup And Fresh Mint
Melon, pineapple, strawberries, mango and banana
Cornbread French Toast
with bacon, rucola and avocado
Baked Eggs & Chorizo
with tomato and pepper ragout and greek yoghurt
Lavender Scented Pancakes
Raspberries, vanilla butter

Bearbeitungsstand der Speisekarte von The Visit Coffee & Eatery ist der 14.08.2024. Alle Abbildungen Serviervorschläge. Es gilt die jeweils aktuelle Speisekarte im Restaurant.